
During my senior thesis research into nursing home care, I came across MemoryWell. A platform that connects families with professional story tellers, to tell the story of their loved one, which is then posted within the portal to form a deeper, empathetic bond between patient and caregiver. I interviewed them for my thesis which proved extremely useful. They were really just starting to gain traction and they asked if I would work as a contractor to help them design their user experience. Through the few months I worked with them, I helped in creating a scheduling platform, family portal and accessible story telling pages.

 Scheduling Flow

 Family Profile Wireframes

Explored a few different design layouts while keeping in mind the users goals and pain points.

 Story Pages

Once stories are crafted between Family and Writer, they are posted on the portal and website for caregivers. Each story has an audio version.

Along with UX work, I was asked to provide simple graphics and place holder sketches for stories visuals.